2019 Graduands Procession. |
2019 Graduands Procession.
2019 Graduands Procession. |
2019 Graduands Procession. |
2019 Graduands Procession. |
2019 Graduands Procession. |
2019 Graduands Procession. |
Apostle Aaron DeSilva Wilson. |
Apostle Aaron DeSilva Wilson. |
Adelle Blenman-Connor receiving her degree. |
Annabelle Joseph. |
AnnMarie Ramnarine. |
Apostle Aaron DeSilva Wilson delivering his Abstract. |
Apostle Dr Vernon Duncan. |
Associate Dean of Education receiving a token from Mrs. Deborah Bascombe on behalf of the Graduates. |
Chairman - Dr Rodger Samuel giving his address. |
Chairperson - Roxanne James. |
Charge - read by President Dr. Kathleen James. |
Charge - read by President Dr. Kathleen James. |
Deborah Bascombe. |
Degree Graduands. |
Degrees & Certificates |
Director - Mr William Lonsdale - closing prayer. |
Dr. Alexander.
Gemma Olivier Mc Neil. |
Gina Wilson Romany.
Graduates Theses |
Graduation Pins
Lystra Joseph. |
Mrs. Bathsheeba Brewster delivering her Abstract.
Mrs. Patience Alfred-Iyamu. |
President receiving a token from graduates presented by Dr. Velda Mings.
Quicken - Worship. |
Rev. Dr. Alister Alexander delivering a powerful message to the Graduates.
Rev. Dr. Alexander receiving his token from CCBI. |
The Charge.
The Charge. |
Velda Mings.
Velda Mings. |
Velda Mings.