Annabelle Joseph. |
AnnMarie Ramnarine.
Apostle Aaron DeSilva Wilson showing his Silver Medal for General Proficiency. |
Chantel Jimenez. |
Christine Hamilton. |
Deborah Bascombe with Dr. Samuel receiving President's Award. |
Mrs Bathsheeba Brewster and Chairman Dr. Rodger Samuel. |
Gemma Olivier McNeil. |
Gina Wilson Romany. |
Mrs. Deborah Bascombe receiving gift. |
Mrs. Deborah Bascombe receiving her award for Outstanding Contributions to CCBI presented by Chairman Dr. Rodger Samuel. |
Mrs. Hannah Demming. |
Mrs. Patience Alfred-Iyamu congratulated by Dr. Rodger Samuel. |
Mrs. Velda Mings receiving her token for Outstanding Continuous Performance presented by Chairman Dr. Rodger Samuel. |
Mrs. Adelle Blenman Connor congratulated by Chairman Dr. Rodger Samuel. |
Student Alicia O'Brien recieving a token for Perseverance from Director William Lonsdale. |
Student Amon Harewood receiving his token for Most Enthusiastic student presented by Director Mr William
Lonsdale. |